volume of a cylinder in gallons using inches

Use this cylinder volume gallons calculator to determine cylinder volume in gallons by input value in inches.

Cylinder Volume Calculator (in gallons)

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How do I calculate volume of a cylinder in gallons?

The cylinder volume gallons calculator will do all calculations and conversions for you! But if you want to calculate the volume of a cylinder by hand, 😉 you need to utilize the following 


      Volume = Ï€ x r² x h

                 Ï€ = Pi = 3.14159
                 r = Radius = 1/2 Diameter
                 h = Height

Example 1:-

You have a cylinder with a 5 inch diameter and it’s 6 inches high. What is the volume of this cylinder?


   (5 Inch Diameter Divided by 2) = 2.5 Inch Radius
   2.5 Inch Radius × 2.5 Inch Radius = 6.25
   6.25 × 6 Inches Height = 37.5
     37.5 × 3.14159 = 117.809625 Cubic Inches

The volume of a cylinder 5 inches in diameter and 6 inches high is 117.81 cubic inches.

Additional Conversion Information:
Convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters: 1 Cubic Inch = 16.387064 Cubic Centimeters
117.809625 Cubic Inches × 16.387064 = 1930.55 Cubic Centimeters

Convert cubic inches to liters: 1 Cubic Inch = 0.016387064 Liters
117.809625 Cubic Inches × 0.016387064 
= 1.9305 Liters

Gallons in a cylinder FAQ

Volume of a cylinder

To calculate the volume of a cylinder using radius and height in inches, use the first calculator above. Results in cubic inches or gallons.
To calculate the volume of a cylinder using diameter and height in inches, use the second calculator above. Results in cubic inches or gallons.
To calculate the volume of a cylinder using width and height in feet, use Volume of a cylinder in feet and gallons

Volume of a cylinder in gallons using inches

The first calculator above can calculate cylinder voiume using raduis and height in inches with results in gallons.
The second calculator above can calculate cylinder voiume using diameter and height in inches with results in gallons.

Tank volume calculator

Tank volume can be calculated using the internal diameter and internal height in inches as an input using the second calculator above with results in gallons.

How to calculate the volume of water in a cylinder

This cylinder calculator can work out the water volume using inches as inputs and gallons as the output.
This cylinder calculator Volume of a cylinder in metres and litres uses metres as mesurements and litres as results.
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